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Taxis in Nerja
There are a number of areas throughout Nerja where you can catch a Taxi, with the most established being at the Bus Station and next to La Ermita de la Senora Nuestra de Angustias. At most times of the day you'll find taxis waiting here for fares. Later in the evening Taxis will start to appear in a small rank next to Plaza Tutti Frutti. Take a look at the map below and find which Taxi rank is closest to you. (Hover over the marker for it's name).
If you require a taxi from your accomodation you can contact Radio Taxi's Nerja, the official taxi service in Nerja, on (0034) 952 520 537.
Airport Transfers
If you plan to get a Taxi from Malaga airport to Nerja or vice versa then it's highly advisable to pre-book in order to get the best price. A pre-booked Taxi is likely to cost approximately €70 – €75 whilst jumping into a Taxi with no pre-booking at the airport could cost you far more. You can book a Taxi either online or via telephone with or with any of the local Taxi firms.