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La Caletilla

General Description

This is a very small beach found between the Balcón de Europa and El Salón. It's surrounded by cliffs and overlooked by the Hotel Balcón de Europa which has its own access. Obviously, due to its proximity to the Hotel it's very popular with tourists. La Caletilla is only accessible by foot. As it's so close to the town center there are a number of options for lunch however there are two good restaurants right next to the beach so you don't need to go far. Its position close to the town center does make parking difficult with the only nearby option being the paid underground car park close to the town hall.

How to get there

There are two ways to get to La Caletilla. If you're staying at the Hotel Balcón de Europa you have your own private access to the beach, otherwise from the Balcón, head towards the water fountain found in the north eastern corner. Behind this you'll find steps going down to the beach known as Calahonda. Go down these steps until you reach the promenade that turns to the right following the contour of the cliff. At the end of this promenade you'll find La Caletilla.


  • Promenade
  • Chiringuito / Bar
  • Sunbed Rental
  • Toilets
  • Bins

General Information

Length : 50m

Width : 15m

Popularity : High

Urbanized : Yes

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