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General Description

This is a small, intimate beach in the center of Nerja just to the left of the Balcon de Europa. It’s a straight beach, well maintained and popular with tourists due to its central location. It’s surrounded by cliffs and there is no access to vehicles so it’s quiet. The small fishing boats that often rest here make the beach very picturesque and give a truly Mediterranean atmosphere. There is only one Café / snack bar that overlooks the beach but more options are available with a short walk. There is no immediate parking other than that which is available in the paid car park near to the town hall or the car park that runs the length of Calle Carabeo which is also a paid car park. The beach is covered by lifeguards and regularly cleaned.

How to get there

Calahonda is only accessible by foot. Start from the Balcon de Europa look for the water fountain on the eastern side of the square. Directly behind this is the “boquete de Calahonda” which is a path that will lead directly to the beach.


  • Chiringuito
  • Showers
  • Lifeguards
  • Sunbed Rental
  • Bins

General Information

Length : 120m

Width : 20m

Popularity : High

Urbanized : Yes

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